The Butterfly Effect or Interdependence

In chaos theory it is said that the flapping of a butterflies wings may cause or stop the creation of a tornado on the other side of the planet through a chain of cause and effect patterns.

To understand this at a realization level is to embrace enlightenment. Or what otherwise could be called “the rude awakening from the grand illusion”.

Sure I knew it on the mental level and even had moments of tasting it as a possibility, but I have entered into the utter self-annihilating experience of the simple, yet profound fact that I do not exist as a separate entity.

It is the most sobering of experience - Realest of all realities!  That there is no “me” that ever existed separate from any experience that I have ever had. That there was never a self separate from the experience that it was creating/experiencing.

That the observer is the same as that which is observed. That the two can never be experienced separately as they are the one and the same. That “my life”, their life, all of creation is just a dream experiencing it Self!

To understand that the experience is the self, is to know wholeness. To know that there is only one self experiencing itself through infinite viewpoints. To know that there is only one dreamer and one dream and it is being viewed from infinite viewpoints.

Gone are the sentiments of a “past” of a childhood, or a family. Gone are the ideas that I am or was a self that has or had a personal history. Like a fairy tale, like a puff of smoke, it is all just a transitory idea floating through the mind of a vast, endless mind - dreaming within it Self.

Like a foolish notion my sense of “personal” knowledge or “personal” self or self-importance has drifted away like a dream from some beautiful day gone by.

Who am I? A witness to a play that I co-create; a cosmic play that has an obvious theme from the viewpoint of here now that I observe it from; to awaken the other dreamers to their dream. It seems to be the agreement we made with each other from this space.

And since they are me, and I am them. I am asking them to remember who we are by remembering who I am. This is rather painful. We love our dream. We hold onto it so powerfully because it seems so real and fun.

Would you look over at a friend during a beautiful, touching moment in a movie and tell them to remember that it was not real - that it is only a movie? Would you tell a dreamer in a beautiful moment in their dream to remember that they are only dreaming? Would you tell two lovers sharing a tender moment to remember that there was no “other”?

Why destroy the wonderful notion for the dreamer(s)?

And I too am sad to awaken from my dream. I am no longer a man; I am not a collection of ideas nor a personal history.  I am not an American or an ex-Marine or the son of my father or mother - all just notions, beliefs, identities. My role has been revealed and I am known by all to be a fraud. Someone caught me reading from my script while the play is on stage and I am that someone!

Something has seen that a ghost inhabits this body, and the one who sees this is the ghost! I cannot be touched nor ever touch another for I am not real. In fact all that I dream I am touching or experiencing is simply my own mind playing tricks with itself through a sensory-based virtual reality.  It is all a play of energy and chemistry that an un-real self has made to mean something!

I am a no-thing inhabiting a virtual body/mind in order to experience a play that I write, well that I co-write with the other selves that hold different views. In fact the I that is creating all of this is even my own creation! An endlessly fascinating co-production that we all forget we are creating and playing in - so like a movie, we can enjoy it more!

I am totally disillusioned! I am in the land of la la…. and I feel more sane than ever!

The game is up. I see behind the curtain and know that the wizard of Oz is just an illusion. Even worse, there is no man behind the curtains pulling the levers and making the “all powerful Oz” seem real!

Since it is all a notion playing within it Self….knowing for sure that it is all un-real…..

What “point” could there be to enlightenment?

Maybe the “point” is to create the dream more lightly and with more deliberation?

Maybe there is no “point”?  Maybe it is just another possibility to explore?

That all would be totally up to the dreamer of course!

And so, the dream goes on…..

From this dreamer to you…all of my heart, dear one!

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